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Is this a real superhero caught on camera?

You know, ever since we were young, we've always wanted superpowers. Who doesn't, right? Whether it is the ability to fly, see through walls or incredible strength, we're pretty sure some of you out there probably wished, during your 16th birthday, that someone would grant you a superpower. 

Well, it looks like someone in China had their wish come true.

This buzzy video clip from a surveillance camera taken back in September 2012 but has resurfaced recently, causing a huge buzz online recently, most probably because a real-life superhero was caught on cam doing some superhero stuff. As you can see from the clip, it was a quiet, normal night somewhere in China until an old cyclist decides to cross the junction (probably illegally, we don't know). And on the other side of the road, a van was seen speeding towards the cyclist. Uh oh! 

Just when you thought things won't end well for the poor old man, that was when the surveillance camera captured a mysterious hooded figure swooping out of nowhere in break neck speed and rescued the man. The driver of the van believes he hit the old man and he immediately stopped his vehicle to look under his van for a bloody mess, only to realise that the cyclist and the hooded hero have teleported to the other side of the road.

So, was the hooded person a real superhero caught on camera? Who is he/she? What would Nick Fury say? We have so many questions.

After this clip was uploaded onto the Interwebs, many viewers speculated that the hero is an alien with superpowers while others claim it was a work of a master prankster who's very good with CGI. 

Whatever it is, our inner geek is praying that we've found a real superhuman with real superpowers, but we are pretty sure this is just some clever marketing ploy. It always is.

What do you think?

Sorry guys, this video is a hoax. This "security camera footage" is actually a part of a marketing plan for a Chinese online game called 'Zhu Xian 2'. 

'Zhu Xian 2' is a hugely successful multiplayer online role-playing games in China, and the video clip was featured on its microsite to introduce a 'real-life' character from the game called the 'Dragon Totem Girl'.

Or, some Chinese top secret government organisation managed to track down the individual and lock him or her up at a lab somewhere, while wanting us to believe it was just a marketing video for a video game. Hmmm, the plot thickens.


Bukan Nak Kurus Tapi Nak Berat Badan Ideal


Saya tengah berusaha untuk mendapatkan berat badan yang ideal. Cumanya kalau tiada support atau sokongan dari sesiapa, memang hancurlah diet kitakan. Lagi2 macam daku ni, kahwin dengan orang jawa. Orang jawakan rajin memasak. Lauk sedap-sedap pulak tu. Daku tukang makan. Ngehehe... Ayat standard 'makan, makan, nanti tak ada siapa nak habiskan' Dah tu bila masa daku nak diet? Balik kampung je makan. Huhuhu...

Berat badan ideal sangat penting untuk kita dapat kesihatan yang baik. Kalau tak jaga, kesihatan dalaman kita akan rasa lebih berusia dari umur sebenar kita. Bayangkan dalaman saya dah nak pencen. Sedih mendengarnya. Jadi, dari sekarang saya kena jaga. Umur muda lagi tapi dalaman dah tua. Takot wooo...

Saya bukan nak kurus tapi saya nak balik BMI asal saya. Kalau tinggi saya 156 maka berat yang saya kena target adalah 65. Gigih jugaklah nak sampai ke situ. Tak perlu kurus sangat sebab nanti memudaratkan dan tidak seimbang dengan badan. Yang penting sihat!

Korang tau tak macam mana nak kira BMR korang? Meh sini saya ajar. Nanti korang boleh kira sendiri.

Daily Calorie Requirement (DCR)
Setiap individu mempunyai had kalori harian (Daily Calorie Requirement/DCR) yang berbeza, unik, bergantung pada faktor umur, jantina, berat, dan ketinggian seseorang. Persoalannya sekarang, bagaimana nak tahu DCR masing-masing? 

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Untuk mengetahui nilai DCR, kita terlebih dahulu perlu menentukan nilai BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), iaitu jumlah kalori asas yang kita perlukan agar kemandirian tubuh kita berterusan (bernafas, degup jantung, proses biokimia badan), menggunakan formula Harris-Benedict seperti berikut:

Lelaki:  BMR = 66 + (13.7 x KG) + (5 x CM) – (6.8 x UMUR)
Wanita:  BMR = 655 + (9.6 x KG) + (1.8 x CM) – (4.7 x UMUR)

Kemudian, apabila nilai BMR sudah diperolehi, nilai tersebut hendaklah didarab dengan "faktor aktiviti" seperti berikut:

Sedentary (little or no exercise)  = BMR x 1.2
Lightly active (sports 1-3 days/week)  = BMR x 1.375
Moderately active (sports 3-5 days/week) = BMR x 1.55
Very active (sports 6-7 days/week)  = BMR x 1.725
Extra active (sports twice a day)  = BMR x 1.9

Sebagai contoh, Raihana berumur 43 tahun, berketinggian 157 cm, dan mempunyai berat 49 kg. Beliau bersukan 4 kali seminggu, maka:

BMR Raihana = 655 + (9.6 x 49) + (1.8 x 157) – (4.7 x 43)
= 655 + 470.4 + 282.6 + 202.1
= 1206 kcal/day

DCR Raihana = 1205.9 x 1.55
= 1869 kcal/day

Jika nak kurus, pastikan anda mengambil kalori kurang daripada DCR 
tetapi JANGAN kurang daripada BMR kerana ia akan memudharatkan

INGATLAH…. 1 kg = 7700 kalori
Sekiranya anda ingin menurunkan berat badan sebanyak 1kg, anda perlu membakar 7700 kalori

Korang faham tak? Kalau tak faham tanya ya. So, selamat buat kira2 dan mulakan diet yang seimbang untuk kesihatan korang.

Reddelima Giveaway Part 1 by Dunia sebenar Shida

Assalamualaikum, peace upon you.

Dengan ini shida wakil dari menganjurkan Reddelima Giveaway Part 1 by Dunia sebenar Shida yang akan berjalan selama 2 minggu bermula hari ini 15.10.2013 bersamaan Hari Raya Aidiladha dan akan tamat pada 29.10.2013. Pengumuman pemenang akan diumumkan selepas Part 2 Giveaway dijalankan pada 30.10.2013 dan akan tamat 12.11.2013 (2 weeks). Shida berharap GA ini akan mendapat sambutan dan meriah seperti GA sebelum ni. Inshaa Allah. Kita tengok syarat-syarat wajib korang kena follow :

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